Earlier last year I traded Bambi's dam, Cilla for a gorgeous 21 year old ROM producing broodmare named Crazy (who is now owned and being spoiled rotten by my good friend Vicki Morgan). I also sold Seeker, my deaf splash overo mare whom I've had seemingly forever, to the same wonderful people--Gary and Linda Cole. Well, during the whole chaotic mess with me getting divorced and moved to Texas, someone picked up the wrong horse and Linda thankfully worked it out to get Seeker back. However, when she did get Seeker, she had a huge abscess that eventually took off her entire back hoof! We have no idea where or how this happened, but Linda performed a miracle and brought Seeker through it all! Of course with Seeker in considerable pain she did consider euthanizing her, but when Seeker was checked in foal and evaluated, the decision was made that there was a chance they could save two lives here. In order to pay for all the expensive treatments Seeker needed at K-state Linda was forced to sell Cilla. It was not her fault at all what happened to her and Bambi. I actually knew the person they were sold to and hoping to give her the benefit of the doubt that she would properly care for them I said nothing to Linda. Linda has done nothing but taken amazing care of my girls and I will be forever in her debt for saving not only Seeker's life, but the life of her foal, who, pictured above, is clearly quite a save!! :)
Seeker now has both her back hooves, and is sound thanks to Linda's dedication and hard work! Ever since she sent me pictures of Fabian (Seeker's colt) I just haven't been able to get him out of my mind (much like when I first saw Eddie). I have been pathetically in love with him! Well, Santa came early this year and Fabian will now be mine if I can work everything out! Angela Rhodes has graciously offered to help with setting up a temporary place for him. I truly cannot wait to start fitting both him and JJ for halter and lungeline!! They will be quite a team.
I just can't thank all my friends enough for all their help and keeping my horses all safe. Linda, Darlene, Vicki, Kim, Kristi--all of you have done so much for me, more than I know I deserve! :) I am so honored to call you all friends, and so grateful to you for always doing the right thing for all my "kids."