I went to get another load of water this afternoon and while driving back in the rain I suddenly came to the realization that the reason I feel so closely connected with Paula is that we're exactly alike! We both:
(1) Tend to obscess over the stupidest stuff
(2) Aren't very pretty but we make up for it in devotion and heart
(3) Sunburn easily
(4) Could possibly be underestimated, if we ever get our acts together
(5) Fairly *cough* stubborn, but quite smart
So there you have it. Paula and I are more alike than I ever realized. I thought in celebration of this revelation, I'd post 25 random facts about me. If you have a blog,
please post 20 random things about you, or email them to me--this is a give and take, folks :)
(1) I was born with black hair and when I was little it all fell out and I was bald for a while, until my very, very, very light blonde hair started coming in (see photo above).
(2) Speaking of the photo above, my great-grandma is pictured. Her REAL name was Ella Barbara Freida Schroeder Leck.
Whew!(3) My first memory of riding a horse was when I was 3 or 4 I was riding our Quarter Horse Sunny around a tree with mom leading me. She spooked and I ended up hanging from the saddle horn.
(4) Anytime I've ever tried to jump a horse I've always gone over the jump...but the horse never did.
(5) When I was in grade school I was obscessed with Egyptology. It's carried over into adulthood in the form of an Egyptian-themed guest bathroom.
(6) I'm scared to death of guns, but I love shooting them.
(7) I have an uncanny knack for knowing which way north is, even in buildings, subways, etc. I've won bets.
(8) I've never had a stitch, cavity, or broken bone (knock on wood).
(9) The three worst days of my life were putting Layla down, dropping Spencer off at the airport to go to Basic Training, and the day we loaded up all our ponies (when I was 17) and I never saw them again.
(10) The three best days of my life were my college graduation (there's a story here I'll have to share sometime), winning the Chapter president award for an honor organization at our convention in Dallas, and competing in the versatility challenge in POA with my whole family helping me.
(11) I don't wear glasses or contacts.
(12) Despite my weight I have an athlete's resting heartrate and matching low blood pressure.
(13) I was the tallest person in my kindergarden class. I was supposed to be 6 foot tall but thankfully quit growing in time. I'm 5' 8" and that's tall enough!
(14) I know every word to Pretty Hate Machine.
(15) One of my favorite things in the world is laying down outside on a warm summer night and looking up at the stars.
(16) I'm not very good at remembering books that I read but I can recall movie lines from shows I haven't seen for years.
(17) I love genealogy, but it's frustrating that I can only gather basic facts--I'll never
really know my ancestors.
(18) I've been craving sushi for over a year now. I'm near my breaking point.
(19) While I don't think I look like any celebrity, I always have people saying I look like one, and it's never the same one. I've been told I look like everyone from Picabo Street to Katherine Heigl. I've been told I act like Drew Barrymore or Tia Leone. My sincere apologies to all these ladies.
(20) Adam West once said I was cute (although I was a baby, so it doesn't really count)...