"When I win the lottery...." or
"Someday...." or
"Man, I'd love to have something like that!"

When I worked as a show barn manager down in Texas on a huge, lovely, expensive place with everything a person could want in it (including a heated show barn with automatic waterers and an attached, covered arena) the girl I worked with played the lottery often and she'd ask me what I'd buy if I won the jackpot (which I play once, maybe twice a year is all).
She always said she'd buy a huge ranch, or an island, her own airport, a mansion and things like that, hire people to cook and clean for her, etc.
I always said I wanted a little old farmhouse with 20 or so acres, a small little truck and trailer that was safe and useable, and a little car to toodle around in. Of course a barn and a covered place to ride would be nice, but I'd never want anything as big and fancy as where I worked--it took 4 full-time people to take care of everything!
She was a lot younger than I am and not all that long ago I would have said I wanted a place like the one I was at, with all the amenities. Funny how when we are young we look at those grand things and assume that they would make us happy, but life teaches us about the things that truly make us happy.
Experiences make me happy. Being with my friends and family make me happy. My animals make me happy. I think I'd be able to have lots of fun experiences with my friends and family and animals with this:

It's a 2-horse slant gooseneck. They only want $5500 or so for it. If I had my act together right now, had my car and truck paid off, this would be a cinch to get!

1 comment:
Ahhhhh, you get life my dear! Parts of me wish that I had opted to build a nice little cabin and saved a ton of money that this house is costing, but that is not wise at my age, I don't need to live in a cabin when I am old I don't think. Anyway, you are well on your way to the good life, but just knowing what it is! That is why Brian and I always lived in this trailer, cheap, but nice and let us do other things.....take care, you sound great!
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