In just a little over an hour, it will be 2012. It will be a new beginning--a do-over of sorts. It's a chance to wipe the slate clean of past sins and start over with renewed hope.
For example, in 2012, I resolve to rid the world of evil and tyranny, find the cure for cancer, end war and famine, and create world peace.
Okay, maybe not.
Perhaps I should take a look back to see how I did on last year's resolutions before I start a new list. The problem is, I don't think I really made a list. I did in 2010, and I reviewed my 2010 list, but a 2011 list is not to be had. Me thinks my new resolution should include trying to become more organized.
So, here's my 2012 Resolutions:
1. Get a job loser
I was laid off in February and while I've been working part time, I do sincerely hope I can get back to full-time employment this year.
2. Lose 20 more pounds.
I lost 20 the last half of this year and honestly I can't remember when I've felt better.
3. Work out more consistently.
I have a lot of incentive to do this one, so you'd think it would be easy for me, but nope.... When I do my pilates or yoga at least four times a week my back feels so much better. In fact, for the past week I've done these exercises every day and I honestly haven't been this pain-free since I herniated two disks in my lower back three years ago. I feel GREAT! So, I just need to keep at it.
4. Compete in a 5K.
I've been wanting to do this one for such a long time. I feel it...this is the year!
5. Ride Paula in some event.
It can be just a group trail ride with friends or one of our local fun shows, I don't care. I want to ride her somewhere and have some fun with her.
6. Finish breaking Fabian.
What can I say, the poor kid is bored out of his gourd.
7. Finish the shop/garage.
This one is sort of cheat as it's already started, but I pray by next year the roof will be done, my great brother will have installed the lights in it, and I will have successfully put a door on the outside of the shop.
8. Be a better friend.
I hope that in 2012 I can be a better person for all those people who are so good to me, even when I feel like I don't deserve it.
That's pretty much it, for now. I think it's a good list. I have a lot to work on, but I think that it's all achievable if I work hard enough. Even though I lost both my grandma and my job this year, I feel like it's been a good year for me personally. I've grown quite a bit in the self-awareness department and I'm trying hard to acknowledge and fix the areas of my life where I'm not doing my best.
And that's all we can do, isn't it--assess our lives and make sure that we're always trying our best? I can honestly say that right now I am happier than I've been in a very long time, and it's helping me be open to trying to make those around me happier as well. I hope that this next year brings much happiness to every person reading this. May next year be your best year.