Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!

In just a little over an hour, it will be 2012.  It will be a new beginning--a do-over of sorts.  It's a chance to wipe the slate clean of past sins and start over with renewed hope.

For example, in 2012, I resolve to rid the world of evil and tyranny, find the cure for cancer, end war and famine, and create world peace.

Okay, maybe not.

Perhaps I should take a look back to see how I did on last year's resolutions before I start a new list.  The problem is, I don't think I really made a list.  I did in 2010, and I reviewed my 2010 list, but a 2011 list is not to be had.  Me thinks my new resolution should include trying to become more organized.

So, here's my 2012 Resolutions:

1.  Get a job loser
I was laid off in February and while I've been working part time, I do sincerely hope I can get back to full-time employment this year. 

2.  Lose 20 more pounds.
I lost 20 the last half of this year and honestly I can't remember when I've felt better.  

3.  Work out more consistently.  
I have a lot of incentive to do this one, so you'd think it would be easy for me, but nope....  When I do my pilates or yoga at least four times a week my back feels so much better.  In fact, for the past week I've done these exercises every day and I honestly haven't been this pain-free since I herniated two disks in my lower back three years ago.  I feel GREAT!  So, I just need to keep at it.

4.  Compete in a 5K.  
I've been wanting to do this one for such a long time.  I feel it...this is the year!

5.  Ride Paula in some event.  
It can be just a group trail ride with friends or one of our local fun shows, I don't care.  I want to ride her somewhere and have some fun with her.

6.  Finish breaking Fabian.
What can I say, the poor kid is bored out of his gourd.

7.  Finish the shop/garage.
This one is sort of cheat as it's already started, but I pray by next year the roof will be done, my great brother will have installed the lights in it, and I will have successfully put a door on the outside of the shop.

8.  Be a better friend.
I hope that in 2012 I can be a better person for all those people who are so good to me, even when I feel like I don't deserve it.

That's pretty much it, for now.  I think it's a good list.  I have a lot to work on, but I think that it's all achievable if I work hard enough.  Even though I lost both my grandma and my job this year, I feel like it's been a good year for me personally. I've grown quite a bit in the self-awareness department and I'm trying hard to acknowledge and fix the areas of my life where I'm not doing my best.  

And that's all we can do, isn't it--assess our lives and make sure that we're always trying our best?  I can honestly say that right now I am happier than I've been in a very long time, and it's helping me be open to trying to make those around me happier as well.  I  hope that this next year brings much happiness to every person reading this.  May next year be your best year.



Alan T Hainkel said...

I don't know if you could be a better friend... You're a pretty good one now... :D *big hugs*

Fantastyk Voyager said...

Sounds like a great list, SMART goals, and very achievable.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good plan! The best to you and yours in 2012!

Calm, Forward, Straight said...

Beautiful post Jesse! Wishing you and your the very best for 2012. :)

Sandy Sandy Art said...

Happy New Year Jessie! Sounds like you've got a realistic list of resolutions. I hope you accomplish them all. Wishing you all the best in 2012.

Grey Horse Matters said...

I think your list of goals is very doable and commendable. There's no reason you can't do it all. Best to you and yours in 2012! Happy New Year.

MTWaggin said...

Are you kidding?? That is a GREAT list and I think I need to steal some of those for mine. :)