Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Traditions

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I spent Christmas Eve at my dad's house, cooked us our traditional Mexican dinner and we watched Inception on his new blue-ray player. Then on Christmas we went to the movies and watched True Grit (which was excellent) and ate Chinese, a new tradition we started last year.

The Chinese restaurant we like to go to has chicken on a stick. Dad likes to call it "gopher," because it looks just like the gopher they ate in Where Brother Where Art Thou.

We got our food and sat down to eat. Here's how our conversation went.

Dad: "Gopher, Jessie?"

Me: "Thank you, but I'm afraid half a gopher would only arouse my appetite before bedding her back down."

Both of us: laughing hysterically.

Hope your Christmas was just as fun,


BridgeEtta said...

Your dad sounds like fun.

Nicole said...

hmmm Chinese on Christmas... glad to know we aren't the only ones who don't do traditional food on Christmas! :)

Grey Horse Matters said...

Sounds like a great Christmas. Your dad sounds like a good guy.

Jessie said...

Yes, he's a lot of fun to be around. I'm lucky to have really great parents!

Nicole, I'm also glad to hear we're not the only ones who have a non-traditional meal, but it seems silly to cook a ton of food for two people, so we found it easier just to go out. Makes more sense, less money, less waste, and less for me to clean up! :)