First of all, thank you so much to everyone for all your kind words regarding my grandmother. I wish I had more news to report, but the sobering fact of the matter is that her recovery will take quite a bit of time and she may never regain the level of health that she's enjoyed for 89-plus years. We've had many scares over the past week, but she's progressed in the right direction thankfully. I got to visit her Saturday and although she was sedated, just seeing her with better color, her skin much more hydrated and her breathing easier was a good sign.
Thursday, since it was 60 degrees outside, I decided I'd try to get as much done as I could around the farm. I'll write in more detail about this later, but long-story-short, I killed myself. The end.
Thankfully I was able to recover enough Friday to welcome my sister and her boyfriend for a weekend visit. They came down to see Grandma. They were going to stay with Dad since his house is finished and mine isn't (which makes it not very welcoming for guests) but unfortunately Dad came down with the flu on Friday! Despite the bad news, our alternative plans for New Years Eve (going out for pizza in tiny town nearby) went off without a hitch. We came back and watched movies and talked until it was time to welcome the new year.
Saturday Dad was feeling much better and we all went out for an early lunch and to visit Grandma. Dad got called out for work so we came back to the farm, hung out and I did chores, then we went back in for that Pratt, Kansas staple: Pizza Taco. We came back to watch the wine-appreciation course that my sister had gotten me for Christmas and of course had to participate by opening up the bottle of Reisling I had in the fridge. We had a great time until my sister's poor boyfriend came down with the flu himself, so we called it an early night and they left early the next morning.
Despite having the guys get sick and Dad getting called out, we really had a pretty good weekend. Our visits, while short, were very enjoyable and I was glad to get to ring in the New Year with the two of them--they were a lot of fun.
Today was a busy day of catching up on a few items--laundry and grocery shopping, then I bought another tank heater and installed it, and also worked on removing some more of the plaster on the walls upstairs. Again, lots of pics to share, but later. It's time to call it a night.
My dogs are bark'n (and sleep'n),

So glad to hear that your grandmother is improving - sending good thoughts to all of you.
Wow, you type pretty well for a dead woman. I'm glad things are otherwise looking up.
What is a pizza taco?
Sorry to hear that your grandmother has been ill. It sounds like she is on her way to recovery. That's good.
Seems to me like alot of people were sick over the new year. That really sucks but I'm glad you were able to have a nice visit.
Happy New Year!
Wow, you've been busy since last we read :)
Thanks Kate. It's slow going, but going in the right direction.
LOL Shannon!! Yeah, rising from the dead to blog can be challenging but I managed :) Pizza Tacos are a local fare--it's like a giant taco, but with pizza crust, a special hot sauce, sausage, mozzarella cheese and shredded lettuce. They're great with an ice cold beer!
Thank you, MiKael. I'm very surprised I haven't gotten sick myself yet (knock on wood). Happy New Year to you, too!
Nicole--yep, I'm always going. Where, I don't know, but I'm going anyway! Ha!
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