Sunday, March 1, 2009

Quite the Trooper

First of all, I've decided this wonderful mare needs a name more befitting her regal nature, so I've decided to call her "Empress" rather than "MBJ." I've always known her as the latter, but now that I have her here it just doesn't fit. She has such a lovely, quiet dignity to her; she is truly a queen.

So....Empress is such a trooper. I just brought her her midday meal. The timing has worked really well--I'm able to go out and care for her, but this week will be my last week off work, so I can up her to three feedings a day (or more if she'll eat it) before my hectic schedule starts back up. I wish I was well enough to do her feet, but Tuesday is just around the corner. I am praying that she'll be more sound once we get the angles corrected.

Barry and Linda Cole delivered a trailer to me today--thank you so much guys!!! I LOVE it and you gave me a great deal!! It's going to work out perfectly for getting around to some shows :)

Anyway, Linda looked Empress over for me and she thought the same as I, that we couldn't see anything wrong with her feet other than they are overgrown and really pulling on her tendons--her tendons seem to be a little thick and I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have a little arthritis, but she might be a horse that just has to be trimmed every six weeks on the dot, and that works out pretty well here because once I'm better I can maintain a schedule like that. We'll have to see, but everyone keep your fingers crossed!

She is eating great and since I have her in an electric fence pen she hasn't cribbed at all. When she gets more mobility and can get over to the gate I'll have to watch her closely. I'll run a line across the gate if I have to. We'll see....

Thanks to Kim's suggestion on how to better prepare the beet pulp to make it more palitable, Empress has been eating it well and cleans up her plate everytime. The beet pulp is so good for her, so I'm thrilled to see her eating more of it up. I prepare it warm for her and she seems to enjoy it--hopefully it's keeping her body temp up so she's not burning too many calories trying to stay warm!

The snow is melting fast and she's already got a nice dry spot of grass to lay in, so we're all clear for now. As soon as my dad can come up and help I'll try to get my stalls done ASAP so we won't have that problem again. I have to be careful, though, not to get hurt again or we'll really be in trouble.

I'll close by posting a photo of Empress' 2004 foal. It's not very big, but maybe one day I can contact the owner and get a better pic.


knoyes said...

Jessie, I am so tickled that she is at least holding her own and cooperating with all that she needs done for her. I have had great luck with the beet pulp added to the feed schedule and I can generally get mine where two feedings per day are alright and they will consume quite alot of the beet pulp. I really don't quite understand beet pulp, but I do love to use it and have great results.

Empress sure has a nice looking baby! I bet a year for recovery and she'll start to carry you one. Then you will have a dandy baby in 2011 for you.

It is also cool that someone else got to look and concured with you on her outlook.

Congrats on the trailer, that will really make life easier. Pictures?


Jessie said...

She's hanging in there. She took a long nap this afternoon and I was a bit worried that she wasn't feeling well, but then she was alert and even pretty affectionate tonight when I fed her (she turned and put her head right into my arms when I was standing beside her--she's such a sweetheart). She didn't finish the midday beet pulp mix so I gave her just her grain and supplements tonight along with her alfalfa. It was probably just too much.

I'm always glad for someone else to take a look and let me know what they think. Linda knows her stuff so I was thrilled she took a good look at her and told me what she thought. The way Empress stands you'd think she was foundered, but a close look at her feet don't show any signs at all of founder, so I am keeping my fingers crossed after the trimming she'll be sound....

Ah yes, I'll have to get pics of the trailer. It has so much potential--I'm thrilled with it!

Unknown said...

I got a bigger pic and Pics of all her foals all you need to do is ask.