Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Beautiful Day for...Fencing?

I took the day off work today to go out to the farm and get things set up for the horses. I had specifically requested today off because of the forecast--and it certainly didn't disappoint! It was gorgeous out!

Thankfully most of the fencing was still up and in good shape, but the ice storms of the last couple of winters had taken its toll, so the majority of the work involved moving lots and lots of branches!

One of them was so large I had to move it with my truck. This sure brought back memories of Redneck Bale Moving!

Sophie and Stupid (my dad's farm dog) searched for critters now made homeless by the cleanup.

A little after noon I got the first section of fencing complete. You can just make out the massive pile of brush in front of it. I'm sure we'll have a big weanie roast some calm evening when it's safe to burn the pile down. Smores, anyone?

At least none of the brush remains in the horses' pen. It's clean, safe, and ready for its next new guest.

The dogs had a great time, searching for critters, taking in all the new smells and of course digging--what for, I have no clue.

Charlie enjoyed the sunshine as well, although anyday is a perfect day to lounge, according to Charlie.

When I took a break Sophie took one with me. We laid down in the truck for a bit: me, to rest my back and Sophie, just to rest, apparently!

Even Charlie had to take a break. He had to rest after his marathon lounge.

I got a second fence done on the other side of the barn as well, cut down about a thousand saplings (give or take a few), and unloaded some fencing supplies I brought over in my truck.

Overall it was a great day, but I'm sure ready to hit the hay.

Sophie whole-heartedly agrees!

1 comment:

Krazy Cindy said...

The weather is finally improving here, too, but I can't get any outside work done because my yard is still buried in snow (highly unusual for here). Where the snow has finally melted is all mud and slop. I still have nearly 6' high drifts behind the house. Hope it's gone soon so I can finally get my house on the market!