Sunday, November 22, 2009

Catching Up

It occured to me today that I hadn't mentioned that when I first decided to move, I went ahead and rehomed Magnus.

I adored him, but Harley wasn't too fond of him and I thought such a good kitty needed a much more stable living arrangement, so I posted him for adoption and within an hour he had a mom and a 5 year old little boy doting on him!

They were the perfect home--stable, dedicated and they thought he was the cat's meow! She even called me up to tell me a week later that they had had him neutered and he was settling in wonderfully! Thanks so much to Sandy in Archie! I couldn't be happier that Magnus finally found his forever home!!

You might remember that last week I posted a teaser concerning Maybe and JJ....

Well, Maybe Baby (pictured above) will be coming to live with me when I get moved next week, and JJ will now be owned by Stephanie of Great Bend, KS!

Stephanie wanted a more laid-back horse but absolutely adores Maybe (she calls her Foxy) so I suggested JJ (pictured above) might be the perfect fit for her. I will welcome Maybe with open arms and hope to get some training put on her over the next year and see what she might be best suited for. She's Eddie's oldest known foal, so she's pretty darned special in that respect and along with Paula, my best chance to get up to the status of a proven producer in the showring. Of course with her color we won't have any trouble getting noticed! Stephanie plans on having JJ trained under saddle and together we're going to try to get him to the show ring as well! I think he'll be the perfect fit for her with his easy-going, fun attitude.

That means that now I own every living Eddie filly I've ever bred! I certainly didn't mean for it to turn out that way, and the people who have his colts absolutely adore them, but somehow I ended up with all these special girls. I look forward to training and hopefully showing them when my situation improves and I'll have them to carry on Eddie's bloodlines some day when the market improves. I couldn't be prouder of all of his babies, and am pretty darned happy with all "my girls."

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