First things first, though. I told the kids if they were good today they could have a treat.
But it was back to work for me. Although the horses had the entire back pasture to themselves now that I took down all the cross-fencing, they still looked longingly as I took down the turn-out area.
The girls walked the fenceline...
...while JJ decided to sneak under the fence and into the turnout area--twice! I let him hang out for a while, but made him go back in with the girls. He can supervise from afar.
And the turn-outs were no more.
By the time I finished I had doubled the size of this pile of t-posts.
Needless to say after pulling up all those t-posts by hand, my back is pretty sore and I'm feeling tired (in a good way). I thought I'd treat myself to one of my favorite recipes tonight:
Ginger Steak Salad
And there is my Sophie fix, they are both so sweet. Okay, no off to look at the recipe for that wonderful looking salad!
As soon as I can get things straightened up around here (looks like the packing tornado went through LOL) I have a special post planned for the Sophster. I'm so happy she brightens more than just my day. I always thought that Layla sent me Sophie to keep my spirits up--she always went above and beyond!! :)
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