Friday, February 13, 2009


I've posted a couple of times about my puppy Sophie and Samson, my newest addition, but I have yet to brag about Charlie, my Australian Shepherd. He's the most amazing dog--always quiet, obedient, sweet, and loving. People always comment on how well behaved he is. He also seems to serve as Sophie's couch and a bed for her "baby" at times (she put that doll there):

Charlie's favorite activity is sleeping, but he also enjoys playing with Sophie. They make a good team--she keeps him moving in his old age :)

I got Charlie 6 years ago from a rescue agency in Kansas City. He was an ex show dog and the lady who ran the agency was friends with his owner, so he was adopted through the agency although they normally don't accept dogs from breeders. They were wonderful. After the approval process and a visit to my house, they allowed me to adopt Charlie. They neutered him, gave him all his shots and he was mine! He is absolutely amazing in every way and I am so thankful he came into our lives. I love my big ole 50# lap dog :)))

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