Sunday, September 20, 2009

Life Goes On

First of all, thank you so much to everyone for their kind words in comments and emails. It really has helped make the last few days much easier to bear.

Despite the tragic beginning to this weekend, it actually turned out to be fairly good, or would be considered so under normal circumstances. It's hard to be happy when there's such a big void in our daily lives here, but life does go on, and this weekend it certainly did.

It looks like Patience has a new home! Margaret lives nearby and has shown horses for over 35 years. All her horses she currently owns she bred and raised--a couple are on lease just down the road and they are gorgeous, well-kept horses. I hope everything goes through just fine as Margaret would provide an ideal home for Patience.

Margaret came for a visit today and got to meet and work with Patience, and she was as thrilled with her demeanor as I am. She agrees--she'll be a perfect youth horse and she can't wait to introduce Patience to her granddaughters.

Of course the way things work, something could always fall through, but I am hopeful and optimistic Patience will be placed in this loving, knowledgable home. Margaret works at an Australian Shepherd show kennel and she said she'd be happy to groom Charlie for me for free! I was thrilled! I love getting Charlie professionally groomed, but at $50 a pop it's a luxery we can't afford, and poor Charles has to put up with a bath and brushing and nail trimming from his mom, without the fancy drying machines and professional bathing areas (I use a QuickTrip cup instead LOL). I'm doubly thrilled if Patience gets a home AND Charlie gets to be groomed up like the handsome dog he is!

I got a couple of tires on the truck this weekend. The Barn in Amsterdam is always such a fair place--two good actual truck tires for $70! The previous tire had been damaged by a large rock going THROUGH the tire, if you can believe it, so it was irrepairable. I went over my budget, so really need to get some of the tack items I have listed sold, but it was worth it for the piece of mind I now have getting around.

I also hauled lots of water, got the water tank cleaned out, poor fish caught and put back in (I'd have to think they probably really hate it everytime I disturb their little world LOL), and got started on mowing the pastures. I'll be putting up fence soon for some drylot areas so next spring I can keep the kids off the pasture until it's ready.

I also got some hay hauled and stacked in the barn, got some cleaning done and did take some time I needed to be alone and deal with what happened. It was difficult yesterday when Sophie looked all over the place for Samson, whining. I couldn't explain to her that he was gone. She didn't understand where he was.

I feel terrible that she lost her play buddy. Charlie tries but he tires quickly, he is old now. It's one thing to lose something you loved, but another to watch someone you love not understand what happened to her friend.

Much like Charlie misses Layla, I'm sure Sophie will really never be the same. People say they are just dogs, but they really do bond with each other and have that connection just like we do with them. Much like Charlie has learned to enjoy life even though he misses his dear friend Layla, I'm sure Sophie will be ok.

And so will I.