Sunday, September 27, 2009

Meet (the real) Magnus

After realizing that I just don't have the funds this paycheck to neuter poor Magnus, I went ahead and let him out of jail, asked him please don't spray all over my house, crossed my fingers, said a prayer, and hoped for the best.

Well, he's settled right in.

I went ahead and just let him out, hoping that he was ok with dogs and other cats (and not really knowing), but even Sophie didn't phase him!

And he greeted Harley with a kiss! On his eye!

Seems the kiddo is home. He's enjoying some catnip on the scratching post as I write this. He's an incredible cat, really. He's done so well, from a bath to meeting all his new friends. He even knows what a spray bottle means--he runs for the hills! It is obvious he was very much loved at one point in his life.

And I'm pretty sure he's going to be very much loved once again :)

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