I'm really not.
I told you before I was a lousey liar.
Of course my Gordon was on tonight. Wow, that sounds quite personal. Well, a girl can dream, can't she?
Anywho, I decided after watching Mr Ramsey (is that better?) handle some sausage (he really did--they all made sausages....what?!), I'd run out and take some quick pictures of those horses I haven't shown on the blog for a while.
So here is today's lesson: How Not to Take Pictures
First example...
Tip: never take a picture of a horse after feeding yummy grain. They will not pose. You can't make them pose. For them, it's all about the grain. It wouldn't hurt to trim up his feet a bit, too. Geez! Poor neglected beast.
Oh, and he's really not pregnant. I mean, I've thought about having him checked (JJ would have to be the daddy--or Bambi...), really, but nope. Just a big hay belly from noshing on as much feed as he can get his hooves on (now that he's 100% recovered from our farm plague--ugh)!
Example two....
Not only should one take pictures before feeding yummy grain, but one must also try to take pictures in focus, and it's helpful if it's not dark out.
Isn't she still cute as a button, though? Gotta love that I'm-growing-so-my-butt-is-higher-than-the-rest-of-me-stage.
Example three....
After reviewing examples one and two, please also remember not to stand at the shoulder of your horse to take a profile shot. It makes their head look twice as big as their ass, and while this may be a benefit for supermodels, it is a no-no for a horse.
Isn't that face so sweet, though. He makes my heart melt....
Same problem with this pic, but I wanted to post it anyway as he's gained a bit of weight back now, finally. He still has snot and that awful lump under his jaw, but he's eating well and starting to get a little meat on his bones. Of course compared to many he wasn't thin at all, but for him to look right, as a growing horse, he still needs lots of groceries and I'm so happy to see him start heading in the right direction (and feeling better, too)!!
For act two of tonight's play, we present, the Comedic Canines of Cass County! (we're actually about a mile into Bates County, but that would have screwed up my alliteration).
OK, guys, who farted?Juvenile, I know, but admit it....you laughed.
The Sophster...
Ummmmm, respect your elder's young lady, Gordon (and all his sausages) is ALL MINE!!!!! Wasn't that a hoot? I thought the sausages was an interesting thing to do.
Oh, OK, fine...but ONLY because I feel a bit guilty about having talked you into a dozen or so broodies LOL!! There ya go, we're even now (ROFL!!)
What was pretty funny was that all the guys raised their hands--oh yeah, they've all made sausage before but the girls were the ones who kicked butt!
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